
What is Plugin Development?

What is Plugin Development?

In the dynamic realm of website design and development, we are always on a quest to enhance, tailor, and improve the capabilities of a content management system. This often requires dynamic solutions.

Sometimes we need to add or customise certain functionalities or processes to get the website to be exactly what we need it to be, without changing the heart of the engine. This is where plugin development comes in.

Plugin development is the process of creating supplementary software that integrates into existing software applications to enhance their capabilities. New features and custom functionality can be added with plugins to improve the software without affecting the core files that make up the application.

Introduction to ExpressionEngine

Whether you are a veteran in the realm of plugins or a newcomer to the scene, developing plugins can take your website and business to great new heights. ExpressionEngine is dynamically engineered to give you a core application to which you can add as many plugins as you need and manage them with ease.

ExpressionEngine is a powerful content management system (CMS). It is unrivalled in its customisation potential. There are no rigid formats to follow, which simplifies website editing. Thus, you can effortlessly shape your website and its content into masterpieces.

The main strength of ExpressionEngine is its modular capabilities. ExpressionEngine gives developers a foundation on which to build and design websites, and they can easily add a new plugin without interrupting the main platform. Even if you wanted to switch themes (which can be a major change), you could do so without any hassle.

ExpressionEngine is as adaptable as it is scalable, making it perfect for developers. As a CMS of choice, ExpressionEngine can efficiently accommodate updates and plugins of varying natures. Therefore, developers can seamlessly run updates and add their own plugins without disrupting the main website.

Plugin Development In ExpressionEngine Explained

Plugin development in ExpressionEngine is like adding special tools to your website that make it operate more effectively and efficiently. Add-ons can vary in size and can be a complex plugin or as simple as a single PHP file. It is important to point out that PHP know-how is necessary, as PHP is one of the essential elements of plugin development.

If you already have web coding knowledge (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP) or at least a basic understanding of code and understand the difference between a plugin's directory and a PHP class, you may want to attempt to create a plugin. For more complex plugins, you would need to engage a plugin developer.

Creating your own plugin in ExpressionEngine
ExpressionEngine plugin development lets developers delve into a whole new realm of creation. So how do you start developing ExpressionEngine plugins?

Plugin developers set up a folder structure to contain all the main files and PHP functions. They create a plugin directory, which holds the plugin folder, which in turn holds the main plugin file or files. A plugin developer would need to decide on a plugin name and register the plugin in order for the plugin's functionality to be made available to other users.

When creating your first plugin, it is important to add a plugin file header to the PHP file, which would contain information such as the plugin name, the add-on version, and the author's information. Every plugin also needs to have an add-on setup file in the package directory. This will contain the descriptive data for the plugin.

Plugins available for use are usually contained in a ZIP file. This would contain the plugin directory, plugin folder, plugin files, and any other file that is needed to make the plugin work. Once the file has been unzipped and installed, it should be ready to use.

The significance of APIs in ExpressionEngine
ExpressionEngine uses APIs (application programming interfaces) so that developers can easily access, manipulate, and use data in order to enhance the capabilities of the platform. It means that they can add new plugins and functionalities to an ExpressionEngine website to make it operate optimally.

Moving from Wordpress to ExpressionEngine

You can easily convert a WordPress site to ExpressionEngine. You may find that you no longer need all the WordPress site plugins that you needed before, as some come as a standard feature with ExpressionEngine.

If you have experience working with WordPress plugin development, you will already have an understanding of how that WordPress plugin works. If you understand the basics of WordPress plugin development, then ExpressionEngine plugin creation should be a breeze. WordPress plugin creators can experience the dynamic power behind ExpressionEngine. It is not just about themes.

WordPress and WordPress plugins have their place for basic blog-type websites. However, if you are looking for plugins that can deal with complex projects, it's time to move to ExpressionEngine.

Different Types of ExpressionEngine Plugins and Their Applications

There are many plugins available to improve your website and its functions. There are also some simple plugins that already exist that can enhance existing functions on your website. Here are some of the popular plugins and their uses:

eCommerce add-ons
These additions make eCommerce possible. For example, letting you add payment gateways to streamline online transactions.

Social media add-ons
You can display your social feeds as they happen with live feed displays. Your customers can know what is happening as it happens.

SEO and analytics add-ons
There are plugins specifically designed to optimise your SEO and web performance. You can also get insights and analyse data from your website.

Security add-ons
Security is a big factor for any website. You can easily boost form security with Captcha.

Here are a few more to consider:

  • Third-party Integration: You can integrate applications like Google Maps.
  • Membership: Authenticate members with a login and user management system.
  • Translation: Multilingual content translations.
  • FieldTypes: Dynamic fields like calendars for date-picking, specifying a location (for deliveries), or picking colour shades.
  • Modules: You can add a booking system or event calendar for guests.

Plugin Maintenance and Security

Maintenance on any website is imperative. Plugin developers will often release updates that fix any bugs or inconsistencies. Ensure that these updates are implemented so that your add-ons can stay up-to-date. It is also an important way to ensure optimal plugin security. It is also essential to audit your website regularly and check the security components.

Conclusion: Choose Ryde for Your Plugin Development and Maintenance Needs

Ryde is a highly acclaimed web agency that produces high-quality websites that help you grow your business. Ryde specialises in ExpressionEngine development and offers expert plugin development as one of their services. Choose Ryde as your partner in ExpressionEngine plugins and development.

So, if you want to add functionality to your website or you want to have other plugins developed without disrupting your live site, then contact Ryde for specialist ExpressionEngine service.